Project MK Ultra was a mind control program, some of which were conducted illegally on US citizens. Most people know about MK Ultra and the involvement of the government in those experiments, but there is a lesser known sister experiment called MK Naomi. Almost all files have been destroyed and hidden, but there are still some retired officials that have leaked information. It occurred in a small village in France named “Pont-Saint-Esprit.”
An unknown amount of the fungal disease on rye, ergot (a main ingredient in LSD), was used on the population through the following method. It is believed that the chemical was laced on the grains used to make bread, and throughout the village people ate the bread. Which in turn caused mass insanity and a least 5 deaths, 2 by suicide. At the hospital in the small village were at least 4 attempted suicides. All that fallout for a way for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to test LSD as a psychological weapon on an unsuspecting population.
Albarelli, Hank P. Jr. A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments. Oregon: Trine Day, LLC, 2009.
Albarelli, Hank P. Jr., and Voltaire Network. “CIA: What Really Happened in the Quiet French Village of Pont-Saint-Esprit, by Hank P. Albarelli Jr.” Voltaire Network, 16 Mar. 2010,
“Ergot on Grains (Claviceps Purpurea).” Herb Museum,
Engdahl, William F. “French Government Queries US Re 50s Secret LSD Experiment.” Red Ice, 2 Sept. 2010,