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In 1957, an influenza virus heavily referred to as the “Asian Flu” pandemic hit the United States, and people grew concerned for their health. This flu was a subtype (H2N2) of influenza A that originated in China, and it was predicted that nearly 1 million U.S. Americans could have died from it.


While trying to create a vaccine for this strain of influenza, researchers experimented on inmates at Patuxent Prison in Jessup, MD, which was a facility known for its treatment of mentally ill offenders. The research was ordered by Maurice Hilleman, a well-known medical practitioner in the 20th century. 23 inmates at Patuxent volunteered to have the virus sprayed on their noses in order to see how their reactions compared to that of 32 exposed inmates who had received a new vaccine treatment.


After about 2-3 days, most of the 23 victims experienced common symptoms of this strain of flu, such as extreme physical weakness, unsteady legs, high fever, sore throats, and cough. Some of the participants were unable to speak while they had the virus due to extreme throat pain. Their reaction to the H2N2 strain of influenza was worse than that of the 32 already exposed inmates. Those who had received the new vaccine showed less severe symptoms and were able to recover. It is unstated if these victims’ received treatment for their exposure to the virus or if they were rewarded for their participance.


Center, K. (2018). Asian flu vaccine. Museum of American Finance.,Americans%20succumbed%20to%20the%20virus.


CDC. (2019). 1957-1958 pandemic (H2N2 virus). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,(%E2%80%9CAsian%20Flu%E2%80%9D).


Harris, J. (2020, October 1). Archive, 1 October 1957: Flu vaccine for hospitals – epidemic past peak? The Guardian.


PRESS, M. S. T. H. E. A. S. S. O. C. I. A. T. E. D. (2011). Tests infected the unsuspecting. The Worcester Telegram & Gazette.


Shagi. (2010). The role of rating agencies in financial crises: event studies from the Asian flu. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 34(4), 671–685.

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