Hannah Shaw Showing cat named "Kitten Lady"

Cat on table

A kitten being forced fed

Hannah Shaw Showing cat named "Kitten Lady"
Kitten Cannibalism
Toxoplasma gondii is a cellular parasite that could infect almost all warm-blooded mammals. They cause a disease called Toxoplasmosis which could be fatal to many. However, their primary life cycle is in domesticated felines.
In 2003 the USDA started research in Maryland on T. gondii or Toxoplasmosis. The USDA imported butchered cats and dogs from countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to then feed to lab-breed kittens. When feeding the contaminated remains to the kittens, the researchers observed the effects of Toxoplasmosis take place on the kittens. After observing the effects of Toxoplasmosis, the researchers would then euthanize the kittens and move on to another. In 2019 after the program ended, up to 400 kittens were killed in research. By conducting this experiment, the USDA hoped to have another breakthrough in treating Toxoplasmosis.
Kittens who undergo Toxoplasmosis could have a fever, loss of appetite, and be lethargic. Depending on how chronic the infection is, it could lead to pneumonia or jaundice. If the Toxoplasmosis were to enter the central nervous system, the kittens could have abnormal responses to light and sound, loss of control of going to the litter box, personality changes, seizures, and even death.
Due to public backlash and heavy criticism, the experiment ended in 2019, and the last fourteen kittens involved in the experiments were adopted out. Additionally, legislation passed an act called The Kittens In Traumatic Testing Ends Now or KITTEN Act which prohibits the USDA from using kittens in experiments that could hurt or harm them.
Ducharme, Jamie. “Report: USDA forced kittens to become cannibals.” Time, time, 2 Apr. 2019, https://time.Com/5555118/kitten-cannibalism-usda/.
Gregorian, Dareh. “Cat cannibalism: report discloses 'questionable' gov't animal experiments.” Nbcnews.Com, nbcuniversal news group, 19 mar. 2019, https://www.Nbcnews.Com/politics/politics-news/cat-cannibalism-report-discloses-questionable-gov-t-animal-experiments-n984546.
Gregorian, Dareh. “No More 'Kitten Slaughterhouse': Government Halts Deadly Cat Experiments.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, 2 Apr. 2019, https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/no-more-kitten-slaughterhouse-government-halts-deadly-cat-experiments-n990011.
"H.R.1622 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): KITTEN Act of 2019." Congress.gov, Library of Congress, 3 April 2019, https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1622.
“The Disturbing Story of the Secret USDA 'Cannibal Cat' Experiments.” KOAA News 5, KOAA News 5, 22 Mar. 2019, https://www.koaa.com/news/2019/03/22/the-disturbing-story-of-the-secret-usda-cannibal-cat-experiments/.