A.D. was a black male subject of age 46 who was admitted to Northampton State Hospital in 1921, diagnosed with “constitutional psychopathic personality without psychosis”. A.D. exhibited feminine mannerisms and attraction to men, and was concluded later to be homosexual. However, in the descriptions of A.D., A.D. seems to be much more focused on feminine gender expression than on sex acts with men, as the latter was only alluded to occasionally.
In 1939-1940, A.D. was treated with a number of sex hormones in order to test its effects in a medical experiment which did not abide by today’s rules of informed consent. A.D. was treated with various sex hormones including a synthetic estrogen Stilboestrol, a testosterone tablet implant, gonadotropic injections derived from pregnant mares which are typically intended for use with animals, and Estriol. These were administered to A.D. multiple times per week for varying periods anywhere from a week to several months.
In any case, no detectable changes in attitude or behavior were observed. Most variables in these experiments were arbitrary and highly inconsistent, but despite these flaws in the study (in addition to its many ethical issues), the conclusion was essentially that sex hormone medication did not change personality or behavior.
Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to gather additional information on this story for further context. Aside from the study itself, and a publication which republished a portion of this study, Gay American History by Jonathan Ned Katz, A.D. is seemingly not referenced in any other place. This speaks to the amount of attention given to historical cases of non-heterosexual identities and the studies conducted upon them; especially those which intersect with racial minorities.
“1941: Drs. Saul Rosenzweig and R.G. Hoskins; Hormone Medication ‘An Empirical Test of the Influence of Sex Hormones.’” Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A, by Jonathan Ned. Katz, Meridan Books, 1992, pp. 167–169.
“Folligon Ecg 16 Doses Msd.” Agroline, www.agroline.com.br/produto/folligon-ecg-16-doses-msd-97443.
“Folligon®.” Products | Folligon® | Product Details, 2016, www.msd-animal-health.co.in/products/folligon/020_product_details.aspx.