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The integration of ChatGPT, within the medical domain, raises significant ethical and practical considerations. Launched in November 2022 ChatGPT holds potential medical benefits ranging from literature structuring to patient data analysis. It is imperative however to address the inherent limitations and ethical concerns that accompany its usage. The risk of perpetuating biases and infringing copyright laws underscores the need for a cautious approach in using AI in healthcare settings.


ChatGPT's utility in healthcare is undeniable, offering efficiencies in tasks such as summarizing patient data and aiding research endeavors. However, its current limitations, including accuracy and bias concerns, pose substantial barriers to widespread usage. Addressing these limitations requires a refined look at the protocols to ensure transparency and accountability in the research processes involving AI tools and where exactly the information it is producing comes from. Furthermore, clear guidelines are necessary to delegate the responsibilities of both human users and AI systems in medical decision-making.


Concerns arise regarding the quality and bias inherent in the data used for training because algorithms often reflect biases present in their datasets, perpetuating stereotypes and potentially compromising patient care. Notably, ChatGPT's documented tendency to perpetuate sexist stereotypes underscores the urgency of addressing bias before widespread clinical implementation.


The repercussions of AI errors in healthcare are significant, extending beyond legal consequences to potentially impacting patient outcomes and trust in AI systems. Therefore the need for ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks are essential to govern AI usage in medicine, emphasizing transparency and accountability.


D'Agostino, Tony, and Cindy Lu. "ChatGPT: A Survey of OpenAI's Language Model and Its Applications." Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6, []


Zhang, Mu, et al. "ChatGPT: Large-Scale Generative Pre-training for Conversational Response Generation." arXiv, 2403.14473v1, 2024, [].

Patel, Avnish, et al. "The Use of ChatGPT in Healthcare: Ethical Implications and Privacy Concerns." NCBI - PMC, [,privacy%20due%20to%20data%20collection.].

Azeem, Muhammad. "Ethical Concerns About ChatGPT in Healthcare: A Useful Tool or the Tombstone of Original and Reflective Thinking?" Cureus, [].

Image: Smith, John. "What is ChatGPT and How Does It Work? Here's What ChatGPT Has to Say." Zettist Blog, [].

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